Dear Visitor (900F9278), Welcome to website of QTC Central Europe Ltd.!
Cég adatok:
Cégnév / nome: QTC Central Europe Ltd.
Székhely / sede: HU-9700 Szombathely Szövő utca 100. HUNGARY
Postázási cím / posta: HU-9700 Szombathely Sárvár u. 56. HUNGARY
Adószám / vat: 24139636-2-18
Cégjegyzékszám / c.commercio: 18-09-111357
Bankszámlaszám: BUDAHUHB HU95 10104789-19690400-01003308
Email cím/email:
Ügyvezető / amministratore:
Horváth Takács Szabolcs
Telefonszáma / e-mail címe: +36309560230 /
Kapcsolattartó személy / contatto:
Farkas Ferenc
Telefonszáma / e-mail címe:+36303328363 /
green: in stock.
cyan: from external storage.
yellow: arrives soon.
blue: you can only order.
red: delivery time is very long.
purple: delivery cost or voucher.
The load time is the time of making webpage after a refresh.
Write here the item no. You can use joker characters: * ?
You shouldn't write joker characters to first few position!
If you don't know partnumber use this!
If you don't know partnumber use this!
vehicle, truck, lorry, container lorry, flat waggon, camion, parts, unit, cargo, transporters, Net-Pult, QTC Central Europe Ltd., italy, warehouse, storage, clutch, axle, spindle, scania, mercedes, iveco, volvo, daf, man, shock-absorver, pneumatic, valve, order, distribute, wholesaler, parts shop, brake, brakeparts, brake pad, chugger, spiral, spring, engine, drive, silencer, car-body, bodywork, bolt, crab bolt, wrist-pin, original parts, shifter, gear lever, gearshift, gears